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Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

The pioneering Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Monroe Carell provides the highly specialized, family-centered care your baby needs. Our Level IV NICU has the ability to care for your infant, no matter how serious or complex their condition. Our 24-hour specialized care team is ready to help you and your family through any diagnosis or treatment. 

Meet Your Care Team

William F. Walsh

William F. WalshMD

    Congenital Abnormalities Presenting in the Newborn Period, Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, Neonatology, Newborn Medicine, Pediatric Neonatology, Prematurity
Mhd W. Alrifai

Mhd W. AlrifaiMD

    Pediatric Neonatology
Uchenna E. Anani

Uchenna E. AnaniMD

    Pediatric Neonatology
John T. Benjamin

John T. BenjaminMD

    Pediatric Neonatology
Wendy A. Araya

Wendy A. ArayaAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Shelbi Bertsch

Shelbi BertschAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Alexandria Buck

Alexandria BuckAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Sujata D. Chmiel

Sujata D. ChmielPA

    Pediatric Neonatology
Tracy L. Clymer

Tracy L. ClymerPA

    Pediatric Neonatology
Emily Coffman

Emily CoffmanAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Mary E. Dye

Mary E. DyeAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Caelan Elliott

Caelan ElliottDNP

    Pediatric Neonatology
Karen E. Gannon

Karen E. GannonAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Terri T. Gay

Terri T. GayAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Colleen R. Moss

Colleen R. MossAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Leigh A. Murphy

Leigh A. MurphyAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Helen L. Nation

Helen L. NationAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Julia N. Peredo

Julia N. PeredoAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Susan A. Reed

Susan A. ReedAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Cara L. Rood

Cara L. RoodAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Nicole Rovang

Nicole RovangAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Kathryn E. Rush

Kathryn E. RushAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Carlye B. Scott

Carlye B. ScottAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Savannah Shores

Savannah ShoresAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Jessica Simpson

Jessica SimpsonAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology
Wendy Todd

Wendy ToddAPRN

    Pediatric Neonatology

Why You Can Trust the NICU at Monroe Carell

  • rating, star, badge, Top specialists
    Highest-level NICU

    The NICU at Monroe Carell is rated Level IV by the American Academy of Pediatrics. This is the highest possible classification. It means your baby will not be transported to another hospital, no matter how serious or complex their condition. Vanderbilt has specialists in medical and surgical care and pediatric anesthesiology who only treat children. This includes the smallest babies born before term.

  • people, Tumor board, team, staff, partners
    Expert care

    Depending on your baby’s needs, your medical team include many specialists. Pediatric surgeons, neonatology doctors and nurses, pediatric radiologists, respiratory therapists, pediatric pharmacists, nutritionists, lactation specialists, social workers, child life specialists, physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists are part of our 24-hour NICU team that only cares for children.

  • rocket, missile, Highly skilled team
    Groundbreaking program

    Founded in 1961 by Mildred Stahlman, MD, the Vanderbilt NICU was one of the first specialized hospital programs in the world created exclusively for the care of preterm infants. Vanderbilt has remained at the forefront of medical care for babies needing intensive care ever since.

  • hospital, building, intensive care unit
    Dedicated NICU team

    Our pediatric medical and surgical specialists are available 24 hours a day to respond to the most complex medical conditions. With 119 dedicated NICU beds, we have the space and resources to treat your child when needed.

  • stethoscope, Inpatient programs
    Supportive staff

    Our NICU staff holds weekly meetings to support Family Voices of Tennessee, a program of the Tennessee Disability Coalition that provides emotional and educational support to the families of children with special medical needs.

Tour the Level IV NICU at Monroe Carell

Use the gear button in the lower right corner of the video screen to select a language for closed captioning. Utilice el botón de engranaje en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla de video para seleccionar un idioma para los subtítulos. استخدم زر الترس الموجود في الركن الأيمن السفلي من شاشة الفيديو لتحديد لغة للتسميات التوضيحية المغلقة

Learn About Remote Monitoring for Your Baby

If your baby is eligible, our team will let you know about our remote patient monitoring program. We provide you with the technology you'll need to keep us informed about your baby's progress from the convenience of your home.
