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Pediatric Transgender Clinic

The Pediatric Transgender Clinic at Monroe Carell offers evidence-based, personalized gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents. Our clinic is a welcoming setting for your family to receive education and resources about gender-affirming care.

Our team includes a social worker, nurses, coordinator, a nurse practitioner and physicians. During your initial visits we provide a general introduction to our clinic and resources.

We require a letter from a mental health provider and informed consent prior to treatment. We require parental consent and welcome parental involvement their child's care.

We tailor treatment to each child's unique needs. This will depend on age, stage of puberty and desire for future treatments. We also take into account your child’s support system and other health challenges.

Monroe Carell has been and will continue to be committed to providing patient-and-family-centered care for all our patients, in accordance with state law and care standards from medical professional societies and associations.