Your Visit to the Neurology Clinic
To schedule, change or cancel an appointment, call the Neurology appointment service at (615) 936-5536 between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Please provide your child’s full name, date of birth, social security number, parents’ names and home address.
Should you need to cancel after hours, call the telephone number listed above. Please leave a message that states your child’s full name, date of birth and a telephone number where you may be reached.
Procedures are rarely performed during your child's clinic visits. The most common tests ordered at the clinic are electroencephalography (EEG) and brain imaging (CT or MRI).
Your visit
Your primary care doctor must provide a referral to our neurology clinic.
First visit
Please bring the following items
- Records of visits to other neurologists, if applicable
- MRI and CT films of previous studies when not performed at Vanderbilt
- Reports of the studies when the films are not available
- Bottles or records of all medicines your child is currently taking
Sending a child from the clinic to the hospital is uncommon for us. Most situations are handled in the clinic.
After your visit
Follow-up clinic appointments are usually arranged prior to discharge. A discharge summary is always sent to your primary care doctor. We can provide a summary for you as well.
If you have questions following your visit, or need to know lab results, please contact the physician who cared for your child or visit My Health at Vanderbilt.
Other Neurology clinics
The Neuromuscular Clinic, sponsored by the Muscular Dystrophy Association of America (MDA), treats children with muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophies and other genetic disorders of nerve and muscle.
The Neuro-Oncology Clinic evaluates and treats children with tumors of the brain and spinal cord.
Please note that the pediatric neurology clinic is not the appropriate clinic for evaluating or treating learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders or pervasive development disorders such as autism. For questions regarding these conditions, contact the Center for Child Development at (615) 936-0249.