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Important Information about Project PAVE

Certified Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments

Judith Alford

Judith AlfordMEd, CTVI

    Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments
Sarah Bradley

Sarah BradleyMEd, CTVI

    Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments
Kay Jackson

Kay JacksonMS, CTVI, COMS

    Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments
Brandi McRedmond

Brandi McRedmondMEd, MA, CTVI, O&M

    Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments; Senior Program Manager, Project PAVE
Jane Morrow

Jane MorrowMEd, CTVI

    Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments


Project PAVE serves students in kindergarten through 12th grade who live in Tennessee and have visual impairment as defined in the Tennessee Standards for Special Education Evaluation and Eligibility. We determine a student’s eligibility from eye examination records occurring within the last 12 months. Students are eligible for reenrollment every three years, or sooner with any change in visual acuity or visual field.

Project PAVE does not provide medical care, so ongoing care with an ophthalmologist or optometrist is recommended.


Complete the approved contact form below and return it to your child’s vision teacher, if applicable, or directly to the Project PAVE office.

Include records from your child’s most recent eye examination if your child was seen by an eye doctor outside of VUMC.

Teacher Referrals to Project PAVE

Have the child’s parent or guardian complete the approved contact form below. With their permission, please also send copies of any pertinent educational records (FVA, LMA, O&M assessments) to the Project PAVE office. The parent or guardian must also send us medical records from the child’s most recent eye examination if the child was seen by an eye doctor outside of VUMC.

Doctor Referrals to Project PAVE

Have the child’s parent or guardian complete the approved contact form below and return it to the Project PAVE office. With the parent’s or guardian’s permission, please send a copy of the most recent clinic note to the Project PAVE office.

Contact Us

You may email one of the following Project PAVE staff members with questions.

Brandi McRedmond

Brandi McRedmondMEd, MA, CTVI, O&M

    Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments; Senior Program Manager, Project PAVE
Brendan Healey

Brendan HealeyBS

    Associate Program Manager, Project PAVE
James Mizell

James MizellMBA

    Administrative Officer, Project PAVE