Our Mascot, Champ

When you visit Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt you may see a six-foot tall plush dog wearing a red and white striped shirt. That is our floppy-eared mascot, Champ. He visits our patients and visitors, keeping their spirits up and often delivering special gifts.
If you see Champ around the hospital or at a special community event, give him a hug and get your photo taken with him.
Champ facts
- Height: 6 ft.
- Weight: Underneath that big, fuzzy fur coat, very healthy!
- Occupation: Safety advocate and dance instructor
- Hero: Clifford
- Best Friends: Children's Hospital patients
- Favorite Food: Veggie-flavored dog bones
- Favorite Place: Children's Hospital
- Favorite Songs: Who Let the Dogs Out? and BINGO
- Favorite Movies: The Secret Life of Pets
- Favorite TV Show: Paw Patrol
- Favorite Color: Red
- Favorite Sport: Ultimate Frisbee and red rover
- Resides: 2200 Children's Way, Nashville, Tennessee