Contact Us
Frequently-called numbers
Phone: (615) 936-4338
Fax: (615) 936-4342
Appointments: (615) 936-5437
Emergency Department: (615) 343-2996
Billing inquires: (615) 936-0910 or (866) 488-4677 or Online Billing Manager
Medical records: (615) 322-2062 or
Patient Relations: (615) 322-6154
7 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day
After hours: press zero for the Vanderbilt operator. Ask for the on-call Children’s Hospital Administrator.
Physician admissions/transfers
(615) 936-4444
(866) 936-7811 (toll free)
Fax: (615) 936-3515
Referrals: (615) 343-4444 or (800) 288-5000
Other phone numbers
Child Life
(615) 936-4575
Family Resource Center
(615) 936-2558
Food services (patient)
(615) 936-4780
Friends Shop
(615) 936-6186
(615) 936-8240
Interpreter Services
(615) 322-7378
Parking and shuttles
(615) 936-1215
(615) 936-6337
Spiritual Care
(615) 936-0425
Police, non-emergency (Vanderbilt University Police Department)
(615) 322-2745
Post Office, Medical Center North
(615) 322-2290
Ronald McDonald House
(615) 343-4000
Social Work
(615) 936-2113
Mailing address
Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt
2200 Children's Way
Nashville, TN 37232
Patient mail
To address mail to a patient, add their full name and room number to the previous address.